August 07, 2009

Romania Update

Here is the update I got from Kevin this afternoon. They are 8 hours ahead of us!

we didn't do concrete today, we have planned it for tomorrow. it is a much different and labor intensive process here than how we do it, and we have decided to hire a local construction guy that lives next door to help us with it tomorrow, since he has done a lot of it and knows how to do it well. it will cost us about $35 - prettysure that will be a good investment.
i continued to cut wood most of the day, it was really good. we walked around the village with a chainsaw and just looked for houses with piles of wood that needed to be cut. we ended up having an amazing conversation with a man that we are hoping will become a spiritual leader there and help continue the ministry that has taken place. he had an incredible testimony, though he doesn't really look at it like that - and he can't read, so he's never had much exposure to the Bible. we believe that he had a major conversion experience and that he has been a baby Christian ever since. i don't have time for details, but it's some crazy stuff. we also played soccer with the villages young adult guys (18 - mid twenties or so) they are much better than i am. :) but i did score a goal, and that is a pretty big accomplishment!

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