April 04, 2018

As My Blessing Boy Begins His 10th Year on This Broken Planet

How is it possible that it was nine years ago when I first held you in my arms. First kissed your cheek. First held your hand. First saw those sweet eyes. First fell head over heels for your sweet face. The time really does fly.

I have thought about what to say to you on this day for awhile. I am still not sure. Know this: you are loved. You are wanted. You are needed. You are valued. You are mine. I am blessed to be called your mother. Mom. Momma. Whatever name you give me in the moment.

I see so much of your daddy in you. And I love every bit of him I see in you. You are creative and inventive. You have his entrepreneurial spirit. You have his dislike for writing things by hand. You have his love for Hershey's chocolate bars. You have the same gap in your front teeth he had at your age. You have his mischievous grin. You give the sweetest, tightest hugs. You tell the same silly jokes. I hope you never grow out of these sweet reminders of the man who loved you so much and was so proud to call you son.

But, more than anything, he and I both want you to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength; and we want you to love others as you love yourself. Sweet boy, love God. Love people. I have no idea what the Lord has planned for your life, but I pray He uses you to change the world in His name. I pray He makes you more like Him each day. As you already know, this world is not always easy. Not always happy. The path you should take isn't always clear. Sweet boy, when you aren't sure where to go. What to do. Which choice to make. Turn to the only One who knows all. Look up. Dig into the Word He gave us so long ago. That's how you get to know Him. That's how you feel Him near. That's how you know what to pray and how to see the path He lights up for you.

I love you more than my mere human words could ever express. I am so thankful for each one of these nine years I have had with you! I am blessed to have you in my life. I cannot wait to see the young man the Lord grows you to be. Trust Him. Cling to Him. Draw near to Him, in the good and the hard.

You'll Find Your Way by Andrew Peterson (click the song title for a sweet video)

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