August 12, 2009

People Change

Just in the last month or so, I have been able to use Face Book to keep up with some old friends from high school. Also, my mom still lives in the town where I went to school, so I keep up on what's happening with others through her. I have been so amazed with what I have seen and heard about some old classmates. There are so many of them that have come to know Christ, some who are even youth ministers now, that would never have set foot in a church when we were in school! Wow! What a mighty God we serve. I am sad to say that, while in school, I never once witnessed to any of them or tried in any way to show Christ to them in word or deed. Sure, I didn't go out and party with them, but that was mainly because I wasn't invited in the first place, not because I wanted them to see that Christ was making a difference in my life. I also never really gave much thought to their spiritual lives once I got into college and even beyond. I pretty much just left for school and never really looked back. I am so sad that I did not step up and share my faith...perhaps they could have come to Christ sooner and spared themselves some heartache and been working for the Kingdom much sooner. I pray that my children will be those who are drawn to Christ at an early age and have a boldness to share Christ with all they see, in word and deed. For those of you who went to school with me, I am so sorry that I never gave a thought to your spiritual well-being. I was selfish and prideful and frightened. I praise the Lord that in His timing and wisdom, He has drawn you to Himself and you are now living a life for Him! Lord, remind me of this daily and give me the boldness to step out and share You with those around me! Lord, restore to me the joy of my salvation that I may grieve for those who do not know you...that I may truly have a desire to show you to a dark world.

1 comment:

  1. Are you kidding me? Apologize to the people that you went to school with for not thumping us with your Bible? We should be thanking you.


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