August 01, 2009

Growing Up

This is Sophie, just a few months old.
This is Ethan just hours after he was born.

I played Louisa DelGado in "The Addict" in college. This was my freshman year.

At my first ever Bibleman signing in Franklin, TN. This was about a year before we got engaged.

Oh to be that size again!

I am in a nostalgic mood, which explains the above pics! Man how things have changed over the years!
So, I am sitting here tonight, just me and Ethan. Ethan is actually in bed, so it's really just me. Kevin is on his way home from a Cardinals game and Sophie is spending the night with a friend. How in the world did she ever get old enough to be spending the night with someone? It seems like it was just yesterday that we were on our way to the hospital to have her and now she's spending the night with friends, dressing herself, and putting her own clothes away! How does time go so quickly! Ethan will be four months old this week. Where did those four months go? I know, this makes me sound so old. I remember how my parents and grandparents always said that time goes by so quickly, and now I know what they mean. It seems like just yesterday I was arriving at HLG as a wide-eyed here I am, almost 31, the mother of two, and just celebrated our 6 year anniversary! What in the world?!?!?! I certainly don't feel like I am all those things...most of the time I still feel like I am in college and think that I should be heading off to class or something! I never dreamed that this is the kind of life that I would love and want. I used to never want children. I couldn't imagine ever wanting to stay home with children, if I ever did have I can't imagine life any other way! Isn't it so amazing and wonderful that God doesn't give us the whims of our hearts? Who knows what in the world I would be doing today and how miserable I would be if He had done that. Praise God that He always knows best! Praise God that He alone is the God who sees, the God who heals, the God who answers, and the God who provides! Hallelujah!

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